Join Joom mobile Cross‑Border Marketplace with Millions of Customers around the world
Reach new mobile customers and expand your business
More than 400 million installs, more than 100 countries. Reach these mobile consumers in Europe and globally.
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Use our custom service for online Logistics
Joom Logistics is our own next generation cross-border logistics company, that covers all the steps for your online shipping.
We offer:
- Competitive prices
- Standardised procedure from the pick-up to the last mile
- Detailed parcel tracking
- Compensation of all costs in case your parcel gets lost
Promote your products more effectively with our advanced ML mechanics
Our machine learning technologies select your most relevant products that we promote both with our own advertising tools and on external platforms, TV & YouTube to attract more traffic and boost your sales.
Integrate with Joom through our trusted partners, Joom Merchant API or work via Merchant Web UI.
Merchants Feedback
Joom has help us to grow and expand on many territories which were not dealing previously, so Joom plays quite a vital role for our new business expansion.
Rikesh Kothari, Managing Director
Prowise Healthcare
Degriffstock correspondant aux attentes de leur clientèle, à savoir un public connecté cherchant des articles de marque à prix cassés, et la politique commerciale agressive de la marketplace (communication, promotions, livraisons offertes) ont fait décoller les ventes dès les premières semaines. Très vite Joom est devenue notre marketplace numéro 1 en volumétrie et chiffre d’affaire.
Clément LEBOEUF E-commerce & marketing manager
Joom are very keen to ensure I am a happy seller, and this will keep me selling on their marketplace for as long as I can.
Neil Leslie George
CEO, founder of Bitcruncher Media
Joom ist eine moderne Shopping-App. Wir erreichen über JOOM eine Zielgruppe, die wir über den normalen Online-Handel nicht erreichen würden. Wir waren sehr überrascht über die guten Umsätze bei JOOM gleich von Anfang an. Ich kann nur jeden Händler empfehlen sich JOOM genauer anzusehen.
Hizli kayıt ve her sorunda hizli cozum sağlayan bir ekipleri var. Arayüzü cok kullanışlı ve rahatlıkla siparişlerinizi kontrol edebiliyorsunuz. Böylelikle ürünlerimizi en kısa sürede aktif hale getirebiliyoruz. Ek olarak Joom lojistik siparişleri deponuzdan alip son kullanıcıya rahatlıkla ulastirmamizi sağlıyor.
Success Stories
Some interviews and stories from our merchants, how they start and grow their business in Joom.


Hillary Cosmetics


United Kingdom

Social eCommerce Pioneer

We collaborate with a significant number of reviewers worldwide, with a combined reach of over a million followers. Use the Reviewer Program to boost your sales on Joom!
Registration and product listing
Take rate based on product category
14 days
Payout to LianLianPay, Payoneer or bank account
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